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What if a terrorist were a computer virus, its weapon a defect, and its target the U.S. military’s eyes and ears? Welcome to post 9-11 where the lines are blurred between terrorists and superpowers, military and civilian, and virtual and reality. In a war of information everyone is on the frontline.

That’s inventor Steve Donovan’s nightmare in this technology thriller THE TERMINAL CONNECTION.

Moving between reality and virtual worlds, the players in this high-tech, espionage thriller, find danger and death in both worlds. NEXUS Corporation has developed a virtual technology, but a hacker has introduced a deadly virus–a killer who moves through the virtual world paralyzing his victims and taking their lives; but with this virus, virtual death results in real death. Can Steve, the developer of this technology and founder of NEXUS Corporation, find the virtual killer and stop the virus before he becomes the next victim of a technology that will give world power to one man?

Readers who enjoy espionage thrillers, technology thrillers, and military science fiction will find that Needles has woven an intricate plot with characters who are entangled in high-end technology, military secrecy, corporate and political espionage. Needles’ intimate knowledge of high technology, secret government and corporate contracts is evident. TERMINAL CONNECTION is a work of fiction, a novel; but it’s clear that Needles understands the world he’s written about.

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