New Release January 2014: Terminal Connection by Dan Needles. Illustrated by Kenn Brown of Mondolithic Studios.

TTC_FRONT_COVER_ICUPUBWhat if a terrorist was a computer virus, its weapon a defect, and its target the U.S. military’s eyes and ears? Welcome to post 9-11 where the lines are blurred between terrorists and superpowers, military and civilian, and virtual and reality. In a war of information everyone is on the frontline. That’s inventor Steve Donovan’s nightmare in the 100,000 word techno-thriller THE TERMINAL CONNECTION.

With the setting of the MATRIX and in the spirit of JURASSIC PARK, Donovan creates an invention that fully immerses users into virtual worlds on the Internet. But his invention possesses a deadly defect that causes brain seizures. When his company’s CEO decides lawsuits are cheaper than a recall, Donovan resigns. Soon a serial killer exploits the defect and begins killing innocent people. Trapped between his conscience, his former employers and Federal investigators, Donovan chases an online killer through uncharted virtual worlds to discover the murderer’s identity. Instead he finds a terrorist conspiracy that threatens to blind the U.S. military, which is dependent on his invention. As two superpowers face off in global confrontation, Donovan realizes in order to retake his invention, stop the killer and avert a war he must break THE TERMINAL CONNECTION.

Dan Needles has consolidated over 25 years of experience as an IT Enterprise Architect and Software Engineer for over 50 fortune 500 companies, large government agencies, and secret military projects and placed the industry’s greatest dreams and worst fears into print, merging the headlines of today with the bleeding edge technology of tomorrow.

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